Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Van built on a Beatle

Morris Minor Fire Truck

Anton AN-2

Tracked Tractor

Roller Tractor

Some old scooter

SE 5

Push me pull u

One mans toy collection

This part of shed one of four sheds

Another tractor photo

Super 90 badge

Worn out tractor

The backyard of one mans toy collection

Friday, May 9, 2014

Queenstown Harbour again

Interesting claim to fame

Tash returning in her shark

Queenstown Harbour

Who doesn't like Ferg

Tash under water in the Hydro Attack Shark

Our Mercs parked up for a few days

Doubtful sound pano

Doubtful sound with its tanin stained water

Mutant Flies

Fire !!!!!!!!

Steampunk Jesus (I think)

Evil Steampunk

Big Mother Lamp shade